Review: Impaler — A retro shooter transporting you back to the 90s

4 min readNov 28, 2022

The name of the game is Impaler. I’m not the biggest shooter fan, I’ll give you that. Impaler, however, almost turns me into one. The game is just that amazing.

We can read a very accurate description of the game on the Steam page:

Impaler is a minimalist arena shooter with spikes. Summon spikes to slay monsters, build barriers, and reach higher ground. Impaler’s rogue-like elements ensure each run is a unique challenge.

There is a TLDR review at the bottom if you just want to get the short version of it. There’s also the video review with some gameplay action if you’re looking for a more interactive medium.

What is Impaler

This is an arena retro shooter with roguelike elements and strong vibing synth metal music playing in the background. You do all kinds of nasty things to monsters like stomping them, blowing them up, shooting them, or my favorite one: impaling them on spikes!




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